Projects Delivered
2015 - 2017
Switch of CRM System: SAP to Salesforce Classic
As part of a Knowledge & Learning team we facilitated the change for a First Line and Second Line population (approx. 600 users) towards a new CRM system.
Created 10+ trainings.
Transfered the knowledge base (700+ items) from an external tool into Salesforce Knowledge.
Digital Adoption items (Walk Thrus) created for the more complex processes.​
2018 - 2019
Full Digital Adoption Rollout for Salesforce Classic
As part of a Knowledge & Learning team we created 400+ items in Salesforce Classic to improve User Experience of First and second line population (approx. 600 users).
Smarttips & Validations
Invisible buttons over save buttons to avoid fall out.
Smart Walk-thrus to guide users and save admin time by automating dummy clicks.
Created the a WalkMe Actionbot to improve the user experience even more.​
The Actionbot asks the users what they want to do.
Bot provides analysis on screen
Starts up the necessary action depending on the result of the analysis
Digital Adoption Rollout for an inhouse built application
As part of a Knowledge & Learning team we created 50+ digital Adoption items to provide on-screen guidance & analysis and prevent fallout.
Smart Walk-thrus
Smarttips & Validations
Buttons and warnings
All these solutions were built to be initiated from the Actionbot (see previous project) to provide a smooth cross-application experience (approx. 400 users)
Digital Adoption on SAP
Created the first WalkMe items in SAP to improve user Experience for actions and analysis. (approx. 600 users).
40 Buttons to translate fields
Smart Walk-Thrus for 5 processes
An WalkMe Actionbot in SAP
Migration Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning (Ongoing)
As the dedicated Digital Adoption Team, we have to migrate 700+ WalkMe items from Classic to Lightning. First analyze what should be migrated and then determine if we could enhance the experience (approx. 600 users).
Smart Walk-thrus
Smarttips & Validations
Gamification though Digital Adoption to facilitate the change from Classic to Lightning (Ongoing)
In order to support the modular training, we used WalkMe Onboarding tasks to introduce gamification: users have to find pieces of the puzzle based on tips given via Digital Adoption items.
80+ items created:
Invisible launchers
Onboarding tasks
This allows the users to get familiar with the new system/look and feel in a more informal manner. ​
They are also motivated to complete the tasks because of a reward at the end.